Asking the right questions

Nobody knows everything. You always have to keep learning. That is the only way to become a better fundraiser. So, you need to ask yourself the right questions. Below are just a few questions that need answers. The best fundraisers will know these answers. And Forward helps you to answer all of them.

  • What is the 60-month lifetime value of your acquisition channels?

  • Which donor type is more profitable? Regular donors or one-off donors?

  • What is the impact of missed payments on your monthly direct debit run?

  • What happens to future income if your existing donor retention improves by 10%?

  • How many donors will we have in 5 years if our acquisition budget does not grow?

  • How many donors will we have in 5 years if our acquisition budget doubles?

  • What is the difference between 72% and 32% retention after 12 months?

  • What is the break-even point when you have earned back your investment in acquisition?

  • What is the impact of higher loyalty costs on longer term ROI?

  • Suppose you recruit 1,000 regular donors throughout the year, how many of them are still active at the end of the year?

  • How many new donors do you have to recruit next year in order not to shrink your supporter base?

  • Which has more impact on lifetime value? 10% lower costs, 10% higher average gift or 5% better retention?

  • What effect does an upgrade program have on profitability?

  • How many non-financial supporters will you have in 3 years if you keep recruiting at this rate?

  • What is the impact of 5% less pre-debit attrition on the cost per donor and thus on the ROI after 12 months?

Interested in what Forward can do for you? Book a demo!

Reinier Spruit

Gek op fondsenwerving sinds 2001. Sindsdien probeer ik mijn eigen fondsenwerving skills en die van anderen te verbeteren. Het centrale thema in mijn werk is hoe we lange termijn inkomsten groei realiseren door donateurs op de juiste manier te servicen. Initiatiefnemer van o.a. De Toekomst van Fondsenwerving en Overdag Interim Fondsenwerving Manager & Senior Adviseur bij tal van geweldige goede doelen via Reinier Fundraising.

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Data-driven fundraising at Leprastichting