
Long term planning is of vital importance in fundraising for several reasons.

First, the wider organization needs this information to plan into the future. Many things in your organization depend on your future income. The better we can predict its growth, the better the organization can anticipate.

“A very impressive model. I wish every Fundraising Director had one like this!”

Second, by using long term planning in Forward you will sharpen your data-driven senses in your fundraising program. You will know what the key drivers of growth are. You will be forcing your fundraising team to understand the business case, which will result in more efficient investment, better results and higher returns. Data-driven fundraising in its purest form!

“The educative power of Forward is fantastic. Both new fundraisers and oldtimers will love this tool.”

Third, you will be able to positively engage many more people in your organization with your fundraising program. Explaining how fundraising works is difficult for many. You can now convince everyone who is able to influence the investment in your program: Board members, Board of Directors and Management Team.